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Save Time and Grow Donations with Smart Marketing

Nonprofits most often operate on a limited budget– not only of money, but of time, manpower, and other resources. It’s important to be able to create and execute marketing strategies quickly in order to focus on the things that matter– like your nonprofit’s mission.

Constant Contact’s digital marketing platform helps nonprofits to save time and market efficiently with features that create content quickly, integrate with the technology you’re already using, and give you options to automate your messaging. Let’s take a look at how these things can save time and grow donations.

Content, but make it quick 

Creating emails, social posts and text messages that actually work takes time– and can sometimes cause a bad case of writer’s block! Here are a few things that can help you create and launch consistent, effective content more quickly to your audiences:

Branded email templates – Readers respond well to emails that are visually appealing, with clear, identifiable calls-to-action. Using an email marketing platform like Constant Contact can help you to create and customize a branded email template that uses your nonprofit’s logo, colors, and style so you can ensure every email is consistent and on-brand– without recreating the email each and every time.

AI content generation – Using an AI content generator can help marketers struggling with inspiration to find a starting point for subject lines, emails, text messages, social posts and more. Using an AI content generator in conjunction with your digital marketing tools can give you a head-start that you can quickly customize and craft to your brand, saving time and headaches.

User-generated content – Your donors and volunteers know you better than anyone– engaging with them to encourage sharing of their photos, quotes, and other content can help to augment your own social media calendar and other communications. This also puts your donors and volunteers in the spotlight, giving them recognition and thanks. 

Sharing your newsletter on social media – Some email tools, like Constant Contact’s email marketing, allow you to share your newsletter to your social networks quickly and easily– this not only augments your social media calendar, but also raises awareness and reach of your newsletter, helping to grow your contact list.

Learn how to create a content strategy for your nonprofit. 

Integrate, integrate, integrate

What software and websites do you already use to collect donations, create content, or keep track of your network? Switching from program to program throughout the day can be time-consuming and create more opportunities for human error. But integrating the technology you already use into your digital marketing tool can be a quick and easy way to save time and ensure consistency. 

For instance, if you use WordPress for your website, it saves time if you can hook your email and text subscription up to your website through a simple integration. Do you manage your contacts and donations through DonorPerfect (or other fundraising CRM)? It would, indeed, be perfect if that integrated with your digital marketing so you can segment and customize your marketing messages effectively. 

Using a digital marketing platform like Constant Contact that integrates into the tools you are already using to run your nonprofit not only saves time, but creates additional marketing opportunities and synergies, as well.

Learn more about Constant Contact’s nonprofit marketing integrations. 

Automate and repeat 

Between email marketing, text message marketing, social media, events, and more, it can seem like there’s too much to do even with the tips we covered above. But technology has advanced to the point where top-notch digital marketing platforms include the ability to automate much of your messaging. 

For instance, when someone signs up for your email list, you would love to thank them and let them know what to expect– that’s commonly known as a welcome series, and can be easily automated to send to new subscribers over a period of time following their signup. 

When someone donates, you obviously want to go out of your way to thank them. Automated thank-you emails and text messages can immediately verify a contribution for your donor while also expressing your gratitude. More advanced automation features can even send email series based on what your subscribers interact with, their interests, their donor status, and more.

And finally, scheduling out your emails and text messages ahead of time so you can create and optimize when you have a minute to breathe and schedule your creations out for the most appropriate, timely and engaging time periods.

See how to create an effective donor thank-you letter. 

In conclusion

It’s important for nonprofits to do everything they can to maximize limited time, budget, manpower and resources. Partnering with industry experts like Constant Contact can help you save time while not scrimping on the experience your supporters receive on their end. Through basic and advanced marketing automation, robust email template and creation tools, AI content generation, and our suite of technology integrations, Constant Contact can act as your super-powered partner in savings. 

For more information, visit to see how our tools can help support and grow your mission. Plus, nonprofits can save big through our partnership with Constant Contact – more details on Nonprofit Discounts. 

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