Nonprofit Apps

Writing for Nonprofits: Using This 1 Tool Can Help You Write More Awesome Content (20X Quicker)

Why is Content Important for SEO?

Content is the backbone of any successful SEO strategy. Many nonprofits put up a website. And that’s essentially the same as a billboard that no one drives by.

That’s why we counsel every nonprofit to add new and updated content on a regular basis to their websites and social media. It’s what Google crawls, indexes, and ranks. And it’s what they share with their friends, family, and followers.

But content is more than just a metrics and marketing tool. It’s a way to build an online community, establish authority in your cause area, create awareness around your organization, and identify potential donors and volunteers for your nonprofit. In fact, content marketing is so effective that 65% of marketers say they use it to drive revenue. 

One way to start your content marketing strategy is by blogging. It’s one of the most popular content formats online. And the world’s top web publishers are using it to build audiences, establish authority, and generate leads for their own business.

Blogging allows the writer to express themselves or share their thoughts on any given topic. It can be done in text, images, and video. Blogging is not limited to one format and many successful bloggers use a blend of all three formats. The first step in creating a successful blog is coming up with good ideas.

Does Google Reward Consistency in Content Posting? 

Google rewards consistency in posting content. Google has a lot of data about how people search for information. Research indicates that Google rewards consistency in posting content.

This is because it knows that if you post content on a regular basis, it will rank your site higher on its search engine results pages (SERPs). This is not to say that you should post the same thing over and over again, but rather, you should provide new content on a regular basis and then share it with your followers. 

Google rewards you for posting regularly and updating your blog with new content on a regular basis. So be consistent with your posts, and you’ll see benefits in the long run. 

What Are the Challenges with Writing for Nonprofits?

Nonprofits are faced with the challenge of having to find a way to reach their communities without spending too much on marketing.

Data shows that in 2017, nonprofit organizations spent $2.1 billion on marketing and advertising. This is a significant increase from the $1.5 billion spent in 2009, which means that nonprofits are going through more and more money for marketing efforts.

Nonprofits need to find a new way to reach their audience. And one way is by using a content marketing strategy. Nonprofits are looking for a content writing strategy that will help them improve the quality of their content and reach a wider audience as well as maintain a consistent frequency of content. 

Most recently, during the pandemic, the nonprofit sector lost more than one million jobs with fewer than 500,000 jobs recovered as of 2022. This means that many nonprofits are doing much more work with many fewer staff members than before. This poses a unique challenge for marketing and communications as well as maintaining engagement with current and potential donors. 

What is an AI Content Generator? 

An AI content generator is a type of computer program that generates text, images, or other content automatically. This process can be done in a number of ways.

The most common way is to use an algorithm to generate the content based on a set of rules. These rules can be predetermined, such as what type of text to generate based on the current weather. Or they can be more open-ended, such as when a set amount of time has passed since an event occurred.

OpenAI is an AI research company that has been working on developing AI for the past few years. They have recently launched GPT3! It’s a new AI program that generates text and images based on what it sees in the environment.

The goal is to have a system that can generate text and images that are indistinguishable from real human produced content. 

So how does it work? This technology looks for patterns in the environment. It then uses what it has found to generate text or images. This AI system is also able to find new objects in the environment and apply it to the specific keywords or prompts.

According to Wired, their program currently has a lower accuracy rate than humans, but efforts are being developed towards improving it.

But overall, there are several examples of AI content generators:

-Text Generators: software that can automatically write text for novels, short stories, articles, blog posts and other types of writing.

-Audio Generators: software that produces sound based on a set of rules. There are also voice assistants that are able to produce speech at scale. 

-Video Generators: software that can automatically produce videos.

-Image Generators: software that is able to automatically generate images using a set of rules.

How Can an AI Content Generator Help with Writing for Nonprofits?  

Some nonprofits see AI as the future of writing! But others believe that it will take over their jobs and make them obsolete. Today, it’s more appropriate to consider AI as a tool that can help us with writer’s block. Plus it can generate content ideas at scale for us. These tools can provide a significant amount of “first drafts” faster than a human writer could! So marketers and copywriting experts with experience writing for nonprofits can expedite final drafts. And those drafts can quickly be distributed on websites and social media

What Do You Need to Know Before Investing in an AI Content Generator? 

1. Your AI Content Depends on High-Quality Input:

The first thing that you need to know before investing in an AI content generator is that the quality of the generated content will depend on your input.

If you provide high-quality input, then the output will be high-quality, as well! Creating a set of questions or prompts for your nonprofit or cause area is a key way to ensure that you are prepared to take advantage of an AI content generator. 

2. You’ll Need to Give Enough Data Training for Your AI Writer

The second thing that you need to consider is whether or not you have access to enough data for training your AI writer. If not, then it may be difficult for the writer to generate quality content because it lacks context and background information.

A general content writer that might be designed for businesses or sales may produce content that requires much more editing to be useful to your nonprofit. An AI writer that has been trained and continues to be trained on nonprofit and fundraising language models will minimize the amount of human editing required. While editing should always be expected, investing in a tool that is aligned with nonprofit language can be most helpful. 

3. Determine If It Can Produce the Content You Need

The third thing that you need to know before investing in an AI content generator is whether or not it can generate different types of content. That includes content like emails, blog posts, and social media posts.

If not, then it may be difficult for your nonprofit to scale its online presence and grow its audience size. Some AI content generators limit the number of words that you can generate so it is important to seek out generators that provide an unlimited generation tool at appropriate price points. 

Likewise, a suite of tools that helps your organization optimize its work such as social media scheduling tools can help you get your content out and manage it more effectively. 

What Are Some of the Most Popular AI Content Generator Options to Help with Writing for Nonprofits?

OpenAI is an AI-based company that has been working to create a system called GPT3. This system is designed to generate text, images, and videos for different purposes like marketing and customer engagement.

It helps content creators generate more ideas faster! And it does that by providing templates of what they can create. Then, it generates a number of variations on those templates.

The GPT3 system is also able to take in a topic or keyword and produce relevant content for it! So you can do your keyword research first. Then, input it into the AI content tool, and let it go!

According to Pepper Content, most commercial tools available are based on these same core technologies. So many of the copywriting tools available such as or have similar features and functionalities. 

There is only one AI content generator tool that is specifically tailored for nonprofit use: Nonprofit Operating System. And this tool also also includes a social media scheduling tool. Once you create a new blog post, you can use the same tool to schedule new social media posts about it!

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