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Millennial Giving: 3 Ways to Get Millennial Support for Your Nonprofit Using Tech

Over the past decade, millennials have gotten a bad reputation. They were known to be lazy, ungrateful, and entirely selfish. 

But those born between 1980 and 1994 have proven time and time again that those rumors? Well, they’re just not true. 

Research studies have shown that millennials care deeply about making this world a better place. 

So don’t write off millennials as being a major supporter of your nonprofit organization! Instead, understand the generation and how to boost millennial giving for your nonprofit. 

We’re giving you 3 ways to do just that! 

Why is Millennial Giving Important? 

As always, let’s get into the weeds a little bit. In this case, why is millennial giving so important for your nonprofit organization? 

The Millennial Impact Report has studied this generation in-depth, and what they found is incredibly interesting. Especially when it comes to millennials and nonprofits! 

The first thing they say they’ve identified as having an intrinsic passion for a cause is millennials’ primary motivator. 

Well, what is a nonprofit organization without a deep passion for what you’re doing? Right away, millennials and nonprofits have something in common. 

Where does technology come into the picture? According to the same report, millennials learn about and donate to causes digitally, using each platform distinctly. 

So building an online presence and focusing on allowing millennial donors to contribute online is crucial if you’re wanting to boost millennial fundraising! 

What about the future of millennials and nonprofits together? Again, the report says that millennial engagement with nonprofits and causes will expand as the generation ages and as nonprofits learn to connect with millennials more effectively. 

Woooo, baby! If that doesn’t get you excited about millennial giving, then we don’t know what will! There is so much to look forward to when it comes to millennials and nonprofits working together. 

What Should You Know About Millennials? 

But first, let’s get to know the millennial generation a little better, shall we? Here are the top things to know about the largest generation: 

They’re Already Joining the Workforce with More to Come:

The youngest millennials are now pushing 30 years old (can you believe it!?). As of 2020, MIR reported that 50% of millennials are in the workforce. By 2025, they’re expected to make up three-quarters of the entire workforce. 

They’re Heavily Influenced by Their Peers

According to The Millennial Impact Report, peers are a critical influence on millennial giving. Maybe because they group with social media (including the era of MySpace, remember that?), but they’ve been more connected to their peers than any other generation. So they rely heavily on the opinions of their friends and acquaintances, rather than traditional means of advertising. 

They Know Technology Like the Backs of Their Hands

They grew up in the early days of computers. And most of them remember a time when you couldn’t connect to the internet at the same time mom was on the phone. 

This is the same generation that invented the likes of Facebook, Instagram, and other major social media platforms. 

And all of the instant connectivity means they’re not looking to waste time looking through old, un-updated websites or social channels. 

They’re Not As Trusting with Traditional Advertising

With the rise of the internet and cable TV, millennials have been pegged with advertisements since they were wee toddlers. They’re over dealing with inauthentic, commercialized ads. Instead, they want to make relationships and receive personalized experiences from brands – including nonprofits. 

A study from The McCarthy Group said that 84% of millennials don’t like or trust traditional advertising. They would rather engage with nonprofits in a personalized way. And they’re more likely to interact with short videos of real people (hellooo video marketing for nonprofits!). 

Millennial Giving: 3 Ways to Get Millennial Support Using Tech

One of the major ways to bring millennials and nonprofits closer together is by using technology. Since they’re digital natives, millennials are more likely to do things like browse websites, scroll through social media on their phones, and even make donations using mobile devices. 

And so you can start boosting millennial giving for your nonprofit, here are 3 ways to create a better experience for them:  

1. Build Your Nonprofit Online Presence

Like we mentioned earlier, millennials know the internet and technology inside and out. And since they’re on the internet daily, now’s the time to start building your online presence. 

Nowadays, when a millennial first hears about your nonprofit organization, they’re going to do one of a couple of things: 

From there, they make their decision on whether or not they want to keep up with you. Sometimes that might look like subscribing to your nonprofit newsletter. Or it might look like following you on your social media platforms. 

How to Do It to Improve Millennial Giving

So how do you build your nonprofit’s online presence? Here are a few things you can do: 

2. Make Your Nonprofit’s Donation Process Easier Than Ever Before

Millennials have been on the internet since it was first invented. And over the years, attention spans have gotten shorter and shorter. From everything moving at lightning speed, to instant connectivity among peers, millennials just ain’t got the time for anything that moves slow. 

Your online donation pages or your donation process is no exception to that rule. Make sure you make it easier than ever to encourage millennial giving! 

How to Do It to Improve Millennial Giving

The best way to make sure your donation process is easy, peezy, lemon-squeezy is by using an online donation platform

With the help of those kinds of platforms, you can streamline the entire process. From secured giving to mobile-friendly pages, millennial fundraising may skyrocket from that alone! 

3. Get Close With Your Millennial Donors

Millennials are over non-personalized experiences. They’re through with thinking they’re just another number (or another brick in the wall, you know). 

They want to know that what they’re giving matters. They want to know exactly how their contributions are going to help the cause. 

The best way to go about making sure they know all of that good stuff? Is by developing a relationship between millennials and your nonprofit. 

How to Do It to Improve Millennial Giving

There are a few ways millennials and nonprofits can get close. Here are some of our favorites: 

When it comes to millennials and nonprofits? Well, they just go together like peanut butter and jelly. But there are definitely some steps your nonprofit can take to boost the relationship between you both. 

And by doing so, you’ll see just how impactful millennial giving is! 

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